Dear Someone (#1)

Dear Someone,

How have you been? How is life?

I hope things are going well for you. 

I hope you are genuinely happy. When you smile…your soul smiles. When you laugh you get laugh lines at the corners of your twinkling eyes. You achieve whatever you are looking for. 

I hope you have a lovely family someday and when you look at them your eyes tear up with joy because you see your entire world right there.

 I wish you sound health and peace of mind; amazing trips and experiences. I wish you the entire world cause eternity knows you deserve every bit of it. 

And when you hit a sad phase, may you have all the strength you need to gather yourself and piece things back together. Always remember, that you are everything it takes and so much more. I hope that through time…your kind and humble heart stays intact. I hope it continues to love. 

The world is blessed to have you. It needs your kindness.

Wishing you all things good.


The Other Someone

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